• rcdi@rcdi.org
  • Gudele Block 5, Hai Referendum Road, Juba, South Sudan

About us


Rural Community Development Initiative hereinafter referred to as “RCDI South Sudan” is a national non-governmental and non-profit organization that is committed to promoting peace and development in South Sudan. The organization aims at building and enlarging capacities of local communities so that they are competent to build their resilience and improve their living standard through diversification of livelihoods; creating access to market and economic opportunities where they leave in peaceful coexistence . It is legally established and it was first registered by Ministry of Justice in 2010 in accordance with the Laws of South Sudan and finally registered by South Sudan Relief & Rehabilitation Commission under Chapter 3 Section 10 of the NGO Act, 2016.


The organization focuses on four (4) core programme areas namely; Food Security and Resilience Building, Early Recovery & Re-integration, Women & Youth Economic Empowerment (livelihood skills) and peace building activities, WASH


Under its broader Food Security & Resilience Building, RCDI South Sudan has been in partnership with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) from 2010- 2023, implementing Distribution of Emergency Livelihood kits to conflict-affected communities in former Unity State (Mayom, Abiemnom and Pariang) and Nutrition Voucher Project in Abiemnom entitled “Access to Emergency Livelihood inputs by food insecure and displaced households”. It is also funded by WFP to implement resilience activities through Food for Asset (FFA)- an intervention that is well integrated with Distribution of Emergency Livelihood Kits supported by FAO. With Support from IOM/UNDP, RCDI has been implementing skills development activities such as training of farmers on vegetables and crops production, fishing groups on fish production and training on small-scale business skills that can enable them to have access to market and linkage to private sectors.as in Bentiu Unity state ,glowing trained 300 most vulnerable women in Western Bhar El Gazal State ( Wau Municipality ) in various entrepreneurship business skills ( Catering ,salon, bakery, retailer , hence star-up kits was distributed to the 300 venerable women in their respective preferable business, all the 300 women were trained on basic business management ,customer care, saving , business hygiene  supported by UNDP the 300 vulnerable women were able to be job creators after obtain the skills and startup kids support at the end of the project .  With UNDP peace building funded project implemented in unity state Leer County aimed to improve inter-communal relations and peaceful co-existence through. Community peace dialogues, peace education and awareness raising Undertake community initiatives contributing towards community security, social cohesion and reconciliation

Enhancing citizens’ awareness and participation in social, economic and political decision-making processes



Our Structure

RCDI is structured in such a way that, it is run at the top by the Executive Board of Directors that mainly defines and provides strategic and policy direction for the organization. The Head of the organization has the overall responsibility for strategic development, planning and leadership in terms of its programmes and projects. He/she is supported by, heads of programme, operations, project officers and the entire administrative staff.

Our Mission Statement

Our Mission is our main reason for our existence and we aspire to become a leading organization delivering sustainable peace and development in South Sudan – where communities peacefully coexist and have access to economic and market opportunities. We plan to achieve this through strategic partnership and participation of local communities in development planning, implementation monitoring and evaluation of our development interventions.

Our Vision

A community with reduced poverty and where people live in peaceful environment
with equal access to development opportunities.

Our Core Values

Diversity                                                                      Integrity                                            Accountability

Our Motto

Promoting Community Peace and development

Our key programmatic strategic agenda and priorities projects to achieve our Vision and Mission statements


      • Improve adequately Food Security/ nutrition  and livelihood outcomes

      • Creating peaceful safe environment where community cohabit

      • Building resilience and productive community through basic skill trainings advocacy and creation of sustainable communal assets.

      • Empowering youth and women through creative and innovative entrepreneurship technical  skills training and start up kits approach 

      • Strengthen Coordination integration create synergies collaboration avenues among the all the humanitarian stakeholder and actors

    Our Existing and proposed projects


        1. Improve adequately Food Security/ nutrition  and livelihood outputs

      Proposed Projects


          • Provision distribution of emergency livelihood seeds fishing kits to the most vulnerable communities.

          • Provision of basic skill extension training on the best agricultural/fishing techniques focusing on additional values increased yield ,preservation ,nutrition ,processing. Utilization.

          • Creation of productive sustainable communal asset focusing creating more farm land and other livelihood related assets.

          • Support dietary nutrition projects integrated with production and skills development as well social economics activities local market injection.

          • Voucher project such as seed fair, seed multiplication, nutrition voucher (vegetables, poultry, fish, milk production and supply).

          • Creation of demo plots for leaning and research purpose.

          • Support creation of small farmer’s association union’s structures.

          • Creating peaceful safe environment where community cohabit

        Proposed Projects


            •  Improve inter-communal relations and peaceful co-existence through e.g. community peace dialogues, peace education and awareness raising;

           Undertake community initiatives contributing towards community security, social cohesion and reconciliation


              • Enhancing citizens’ awareness and participation in social, economic and political decision-making processes

              • Strengthening community to community dialogues meetings as conflict resolution reconciliation mediation forums.

              • Accelerating the role of the community existing structures and bodies such but not limited (youth and women groups, faith groups, community traditional leaders groups) as peace holders and agents in their respective community forums.

              • Creations innovative creative programs and project attract (peace centred value-chain interest based projects) aimed to influenced community peace cohesion coexistence collaboration and cooperation.

              • Advocacy awareness creation on the disadvantages of continued conflicts community and gained advantages of leaving in peaceful cohesion environment. Through meetings, workshops, trainings, visibility, IEC materials.

              • Support legislation and designing amicable community policies laws to restore and maintain trust and impress peaceful coexistence.

              • Improve strengthening community law enforcement and justices and role of law leadership and revision and alignment of the customary laws with State national laws.

              • Building resilience and productive community through basic skill trainings advocacy and creation of sustainable communal assets.

            Proposed Projects


                • Skills development.

                • Creation of communal sustainable asset.

                • Livelihood support and provision of NFIs

                • Protection and safeguarding the environment.

                • Gender and protection.

                • Empowering youth and women through creative and innovative entrepreneurship technical  skills training and start up kits approach 

              Proposed Projects


                  • Inspired and innovative youth engagement activities to eradicate and replaced jobless redundancy.

                  • Provision Youth vocational skills trainings and development for jobs owners and creators.

                  • Provision Entrepreneurship pioneers skills and knowledge development and start-up kits support.

                  • Leadership trainings and capacity building training.

                  • Development and strengthening of the gifted talented youths provide linkages avenues and opportunities to practice present their talent.

                  • Provide special psycho-social, rehabilitation, reintegration, mitigation of youths Ganges and niggas groups.

                  • Strengthen Coordination integration create synergies collaboration avenues among the all the humanitarian stakeholder and actors

                What we do


                    • Establish and maintain effective collaboration with specialized agencies and Government line ministries in the field of water and sanitation to assist communities Have access to clean and sufficient drinking water and live in a hygienic environment That provides better conditions for better health;

                    • Food security or agricultural production as main engine of growth can’t be achieved Without strengthening communities’ capacities hence, the organization will work with All stakeholders/partners and private sectors in building skills and encouraging active Participation in quality food production so as to improve family livelihoods and reduce Poverty by creating sustainable and productive communal assets with provision of crops and vegetables seeds ,fishing kits and agricultural  hand tools.

                    • Support social and economic development activities among communities across South Sudan.

                    • Promotes and strengthens co-operation among specific and professional groups that Contribute to the advancement of community development.

                    • V. Work with government and partner agencies in promoting rural education programme as means of accelerating growth and development.

                    • In collaboration with National, state and county governments conduct community Awareness on rule of law and basic human rights principles through dissemination process in order to help communities understand and access the existing legal justice system.

                    • In collaboration with rural institutions and partner agencies, supports and strengthens the institutional capacities of traditional authorities in the administration traditional justice system and international standards.

                    • In partnership with various peace actors, strengthens peace building and conflict prevention, establish conflict analysis working groups and promotes social cohesion among communities through community to community peace dialogue;

                    • Considering the fact that most communities depend on forest for their livelihoods, the organization focuses on greening the environment in order provide better economic livelihoods and protection.

                    • Works with relevant stakeholders in promoting and mainstreaming gender, and empowering women economically in order to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development;

                    • Establishes and supports programs that promote youth development and growth and opening up opportunities for employment.

                  Where We Work- our operational presence in South Sudan


                      • Our Head Office is located at Gudele Block 5, Hai Referendum Road in Juba with Sub-offices in

                      • Abiemnhom located in Abiemnhom Town Near CARE International Compound

                      • Mayom Located in Mankien near County Head Quarters

                      • Wau Located In Wau Hai Darajah opposite Johneter compound

                      • Bentiu -Kali balek former MSF compound

                      • Pariang located in Yida -opposite CARE international Compound

                    The Governing Structure

                    The organization is structured in such a way that, it is run at the top, by the Board of Directors that mainly defines the strategic direction of the organization, and formulates key policies and decisions. The Head of the organization is elected by the General Assembly and serves as the president of the organization ensuring the daily running of the organization and achievement of its goals and mandate. We have expertise managing humanitarian and emergency interventions, Early Recovery programme and resilience building activities in South Sudan.

                    RCDI Field Offices establishment asset premises capacities

                    RCDI has Four well operational established field presence offices mainly in (Mayom, Abiemnom, Pariang and Wau ) RCDI owned constructed office and accommodation compounds in Pariang and Abiemnhom

                    Wau ,Mayom and Abiemnhom RCDI field office equipped with each with (  Land cruiser vehicle , Yamaha and Bajaj motorbikes , 3 in one Printer ,scanner , copier , Vsat RCS internet connectivity , accommodation with bedding  and kitchen items, office furniture’s  tables ,chairs , filling cabinets , solar power system , Tents for filed missions, fuel storage facility, visibility materials including metallic sign post, cell phone          ( Thurayas) office operators phone.

                    Management & Operational Capacity

                    The Borders of Directors which is the executive body; consisting of 5 elected members by the General Assembly, prepares annual budget that is presented to the General Assembly for debate and once passed by the General Assembly, then it becomes the approved operating budget for the designated year. The organization holds once in a year programs and projects review meetings that mainly focus on the achievements, challenges and provision of corrective mechanisms. The programme and project reviews are held by Board of Directors (BOD) and Senior Management team including project staff on quarterly basis and the results are shared with the General Assembly in the annual meeting.

                    Internal control polices manual framework

                    RCDI has existing internal management control policies and manuals in, HR, Procurement, Finance Asset and stock, SEA ,code of conduct, Corruption and Fraud ,whistle blows, BANK accounts (SSP/USD), online financial cooperative system (Quick books online ) Good up to date filing inbox  system

                    Program frameworks

                    Compliance with all donors’ program policies and requirement, and RCDI Strategic Work plan Program Policy, M&E frame work SPSS , Risk registry, project tracking matrix, Weekly, Monthly and quarterly and annual reporting formats. Complain Feedback Mechanism (CFM) and hotline, AAP policy and structure policy, RCDI Food & NFIs distribution SOPs. RCDI has wealthy qualified experienced technical staff in both Operations and Programs Areas with various experiences from UN INGOs NGOs and private sectors  


                    RCDI South Sudan has partnerships that are national and international in nature and more importantly, the local communities and the local government fall at the center of the Partnership strategy. For the last thirteen (13) years, RCDI has served and worked with local Communities in various project locations and is in partnership with FAO for this entire period, implementing Emergency livelihood Response Program (ELRP) Food Security project in Unity State. RCDI is also in partnership with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), implementing project on strengthening (civil society voices, support accountability and engender social inclusion in South Sudan, with key objective of creating an enabling environment for re-building trust and capacity to trust through community engagement for dialogue peace and reconciliation. Efforts are also Exerted to ensure close cooperation with and coordination with a number of other partners through participation in monthly coordination meetings.

                    Sustainability and ownership of our program

                    In ensuring sustainability and ownership, RCDI has always valued community involvement in the planning process by engaging them in designing their community action plan with set time frame. This participatory process helps communities in understanding the components of what they are going to do with clear set visions. The organization has always engaged communities both at higher and lower levels in order to mobilize their contribution as a key tool for enhancing ownership and sustainability.

                    Operational capacity

                    Humanitarian response activities are an essential part of the overall work and cooperation of RCDI. Our role and mandate to respond to emergencies resilience is well articulated in the organization Core Commitments for vulnerable people during emergencies early/resilience. This is well understood by partners in Government, international organizations and civil society. RCDI is committed in preparedness and response to the fulfillment of the practical actions required to achieve the CCCs, regarded as a mandatory, minimum consideration in all projects context. RCDI’s planning and response are also guided by the following principles:

                    The Humanitarian Imperative:

                    to prevent and alleviate suffering; to protect life and health (improve human conditions); and to ensure respect for human beings, and the right to receive/offer assistance.


                    not to take sides in the hostilities/controversies based on political, racial, religious or ideological identity (non-partisanship/independence). Transparency and openness are key issues to keep neutrality. Neutrality cannot mean non-action for an organization that has adopted a human rights approach. Defending human rights should not be seen as a partisan activity.

                    Impartiality (non-discrimination):

                    aid is delivered to all those who are suffering, the guiding principle is only their needs. Human rights are the basis and the framework for an assessment of needs. This principle includes both the proportionality to need as well as the principle of nondiscrimination.

                    Do no/less harm: “Do no harm” or minimize the harm relief workers may be doing by being present/providing assistance.

                    RCDI has ZERO TOLERANCE TO SEA: RCDI ensure while providing humanitarian AIDs and all form of supports ensured that affected population and the people we serve are not being at any point made venerable or exposed to any sexual abuse and exploitation exchange such act are given zero tolerance and RCDI has the right to take any necessary legal action against whoever conducted such act. RCDI always marinating establishment of AAP committee, complain feedback mechanism as well RCDI/donor dedicated hotlines phones numbers at each project sites

                    Participation of affected populations:

                    Humanitarian action tends to look at short-term needs and forget the responsibilities to give sustainable aid in a way that realizes the right of affected populations to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Communities and national authorities play the central role in enhancing resilience to disasters, through the entire spectrum of risk management: prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, rehabilitation and recovery. Leadership with strong participation by all stakeholders. Thus, external support should focus on strengthening national and sub-national preparedness for and response to emergencies. Working with local partners to improve capacity not only benefits the affected communities, but also lessens the burden on aid organizations working in the region. One of RCDI’s key strengths is its partnership with local authorities in South Sudan, the key duty bearers during an emergency early-resilience to protect the rights of their people. RCDI is in a unique position to partner with Governments to build the capacities of government counterparts, especially at local level, closest to the community.


                     Participatory Learning and Action (PLA)

                     Appreciative Inquiry (AL)

                     Focus Group Discussion (FGDS)

                     Participatory Research Appraisal

                     Assessment and Survey

                    Governing Body and Membership Profile

                    Governing body members have many years’ experience in the emergencies and development field with national Governing body of RCDI consists of 7 active and highly experienced and qualified rural development professionals. The 3 governing body members are part time active working executives and international exposures. 3 of 7 members are having hand in experience in working with international donor organizations (United Nations Agencies).

                    Staff Structure and Profile

                    RCDI currently has 8 technical staffs that are competent at managerial positions and technical programmatic areas from various technical backgrounds. RCDI also have large number of volunteers who have been trained on different fields on basics. RCDI has a total of 8 technical staffs who are based in the head office and the field office. It has also six field staff officers who are based in the field and 12 volunteers who are trained in basics of the project implementation? Each Sector has a secretarial leader i.e. Food security and Livelihood, Education, WASH, Health, Nutrition and Protection. These senatorial leaders report to Programs manager. Our well trained employees are our strongest competitive advantage. They all embody our core values. Our result-oriented workforce, thrive in challenging work environment that brings many challenges, but also great rewards for the communities.

                    Our flexibility

                    RCDI will partner with the United nations, international NGOs, National NGOs and community in either wholly managing a particular funded project or deliver services to the community in areas where the international partners cannot reach. We shall partner with the community by ensuring that we give priority to the areas of need that the members consider of urgent and great importance. Guided by the argument “the poor know their problem” and on the premise that the poor have skills which remain unutilized or underutilized, we shall also be able to do feasibility study on behalf of those partners who would like to provide any humanitarian support. This feasibility study will be participatory to allow the members of the community to tell us what their actual needs and how we can reverse the vicious cycle of poverty, disease and death to a virtuous cycle of wealth, health and life.